Monthly Archives: April 2011

The Top Secrets of a Happy Couple

When you see a truly happy couple and are genuinely interested in what makes them tick, what is the question you are most likely to ask?

“What is your secret?” should certainly come to mind.

It is what everyone wants to know: the secrets, the tips, the one-sentence quote that can turn their lives around. Unfortunately we know that life does not always work out so perfectly, but that does not mean we should not try to look at the so-called “secrets” of happy couples and apply those lessons to our own lives – and our own relationships. With that in mind, let’s try to find the answer to “what is your secret?” right now.

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Easy Indications that You Are in a Good Relationship

It is amazing how many of us are not sure about the status of our relationship. Enter a Google search for “signs he’s cheating on you” or “signs she’s no longer interested” and you’ll be amazed to see how many other people are searching for the exact same thing. The very fact that you’re entering these Google searches can mean you’re in a bad relationship, of course, but if you’ve ever wanted to stop “wondering” about your relationship and build a healthier one with greater peace of mind, it’s time to turn your focuses elsewhere.

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