Monthly Archives: March 2012

Tell-tale Signs Your Career Is Getting in the Way

Having a clear-set path for your career is a great thing. Ambition, similarly, can ultimately mean achieving your dreams. But when the balance of your life gets out of whack, focusing too much time on your career can ultimately weigh down your relationship and potentially lead to a break-up. Continue reading

How and Why To Avoid Over-Jealousy


Here’s a secret few in the self-help industry are willing to tell you: personal growth is hard. It’s even harder when you’re in a relationship and both of you need to grow on some level. And yet many of us don’t even realize how we may be fault when it comes to jealousy. We think that our jealous feelings are a result of what the other person is doing, or something that’s out of our own control. Continue reading

Three Advantages of Being a Couple in Restaurants

We at will be the first to point out that having a strong, committed relationship has some major advantages. There’s no substitute for the support and love you get from someone you truly have chemistry with.

But forget all that for a moment. Instead, let’s take a little while and think about some of the fringe benefits of being a part of a couple. For example: restaurants. Continue reading